Advice centres
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Cambridge Citizens Advice Bureau
Free, confidential, impartial, independent advice and practical help with your problems.

Online/phone advice
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Citizens Advice Bureau Online Advice Guide
Free, confidential, impartial, independent advice and practical help with your problems.
Money Advice Service
Free and impartial money advice, set up by government. Includes debt, pensions, work and redundancy, benefits, etc.

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Cambridge Council for Voluntary Service
Helps and supports community and voluntary groups in Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire.
Cambridge Hub
Transforming students' involvement with social and environmental challenges in Cambridge and around the world.
Volunteering for Conservation activities
Work groups and other activities.

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Cambridge Oxfam Group
Information about local Oxfam activities.
Cambridge based charity transforming the lives of people with disability, their families and communities in the poorest places of the world.
Friends of Ethiopian Children in Need
Cambridge Group helping needy children in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.
Rotary Club of Cambridge
Projects, speakers, links.
Aims to benefit disadvantaged social groups and individuals in India through the grant of funds raised here in the UK.
SOS Children's Villages
Cambridge based international charity with offices on St Andrews St.